Kate Hudson Shares Beauty Secrets And Admits To Cosmetic Surgery

When we look at celebrities, we may sometimes wonder how they are able to keep such a youthful appearance. Sure, they have access to things that we may not be able to afford but there are also some things that may do that we can imitate.

At the age of 44, Kate Hudson is certainly somebody who deserves our attention. She takes good care of herself, eating the right foods, exercising, and going through a skincare routine that we could all learn from.

In addition, she does do certain cosmetic procedures and this includes using a filter when taking a video that we can all get a chuckle out of.

One of the things that Hudson says is important is to not wash your face too much. She doesn’t use any cleansers when washing her face in the morning. By avoiding any harsh products, she keeps her complexion glowing.

“I don’t ever wash my face in the morning. I just wash my face with water. I find that my face gets too stripped when I’m washing it too much — it gets all dull and weird. You know, water does a good job, and the washcloth is a little exfoliating,” she said.

Her nighttime routine is always interesting because she washes her face twice. She tried to keep things as minimal as possible in the morning and uses more of her energy after a long day to care for her skin.

She said: “At night I wash my face twice. I also facial-steam at night, but I don’t steam every day. I don’t think that’s good for your skin. I steam maybe two, three times a week.”

Many people don’t realize that our skin is the largest organ in the human body. Anything that goes on the skin is going to ultimately impact the rest of our body in some way or another.

That is why Kate Hudson is very careful not to use any chemicals that could be harmful.

She said: “No one had ever told me what was in my products. I decided, whatever I can control, I’m going to change the way that I approach it. And so skin care and makeup is number one.”

Kate also tries to work out at the gym on occasion but she also understands that it is necessary to exercise hard to achieve benefits.

She said: “I don’t believe in overexertion. I like low impact, I do a lot of functional movement. I like my yoga, I like my pilates, and I walk every day. I’m a take-the-stairs-don’t-take-the-elevator kind of person. Our bodies need to be working, but you don’t necessarily need to be running from tigers.”

Hudson also said that she has gone through some cosmetic procedures in the past decade. It helps to keep her skin healthy and rejuvenate the skin. Some people were not very happy with this revelation, but at least she is honest.

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